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Sunday, March 17, 2024
LifestyleIs Your Hair Suddenly Turing Into White?

Is Your Hair Suddenly Turing Into White?

It would not be surprising, if I say that from March 2020 till now our life has become more stressful than ever. At least he used to come out of the house carelessly. If he was too tired or bored from home, he would walk for half an hour in the park or go to the gym to relax when he was under stress. This corona took it away from us too. Where you think of spreading your legs and arms, it comes again.
I have weaved this whole context to show that even simple everyday tasks have become so gimmicky, what to say. Even if someone invites him to his house, he wonders who comes to his house. If you get infected somewhere then go for 15 to 20 days. Better stay at home.
But work from home, school from home, household chores, kitchen all day! There is only boredom, there is also suffocation that how much man should do and what to do? And when the stress increases, the hair has to turn white.
Many people have also shared on social media that their hair has started turning white in the last 1 year. And they are unable to find Best Shampoo for Hair as per their problem. There are also people in their early 30s who saw this problem with them.
I am not saying that having white hair is wrong. It is a natural process, and one day it is bound to happen to everyone. But being premature or too much seems a bit awkward or difficult.
To learn more about this problem, we spoke to some top dermatologists and celebrity colorists to learn more about this pandemic, along with hair care products to get to the root of the problem. be able to reach

First of all, why does hair turn white?

As we get older, it is natural and common for our hair to turn white. But there can be many other reasons for premature graying of hair.
Our hair follicles contain melanocytes or pigment-producing cells, which give hair its color,’ explains Dr. Robert Finney, a board-certified dermatologist in Anterior Dermatology, ‘Hair has its own phases of growth and rest. That is, they have a complete cycle of pigmentation. Usually, around the age of 35, the pigmentation of our hair cells reduces or stops completely, resulting in graying or graying of hair. Of course, there is a hereditary effect of pre-graying if so the problem can be more widespread.

Does the pandemic cause premature graying of hair?

However, there is no official study or study of any kind to prove that the epidemic has been or could be the main cause of graying of hair. But it can be considered as one of the definitions due to many factors or reasons. Apart from this, people have also got a lot of opportunities to look closely at their hair in this time, so this can also be considered as a big reason for the emergence of this problem.
According to celebrity colorist Jeremy Tardo, “Yes, there has been an increase in gray-haired clients since the pandemic. But not everyone wants to hide or cover their white hair. While there are many people who like to flaunt their gray hair, there are others who like to dye them in their natural hair oil.
Will the problem of white hair reduce after corona or after the situation gets better? According to Dr. Garshik, ‘Because there is not only one reason for graying or premature graying of hair, it is difficult to say anything exactly about it.’
She adds, “Ageing and heredity are also one of the big and important reasons for this. But many times when you stay away from stress, the signs of hair aging may not show or appear very quickly. You should use hair oil for hair growth as well as for their long life.

What should I know about hair care?

As hair loses color, becomes pigmented, its texture may or may not change, and its strands become much drier than they age, you may need to add moisturizing ingredients to your hair care products. will need to be added. Apart from this, the most important thing in hair care is to protect the hair from splitting. Split ends are extremely damaging to hair strength, so focus on trimming and use conditioner. Never wash hair with harsh chemicals and very hot water. However, if you want a more personalized diet than this, you can approach a good hairstylist.